If you want to find new customers, increase your rankings on Google, and grow your business, content marketing should be your focus. When you create great content and find ways to get it in front of your audience, you’re going to see results. Increase the quality of your content strategy with these four techniques.
1. Drive Engagement
A post that encourages discussion will drive comments or shares from your audience. Crafting content that is thought-provoking helps drive these actions. Try the following:
- Leave readers with questions that encourage them to comment on the post. Try asking how they plan to use the tips you’ve shared on the blog.
- Start with an intriguing introduction. hook the audience from the beginning and they’ll be curious enough to keep reading.
- Appeal to the emotions of your readers by telling stories. This will make your content moe memorable.
The more comments or shares a post gets, the more Google will notice it. This will help boost your ranking on the SERPs and show them you have a reputable site.
2. Define your Audience.
If you don’t know who you’re writing to, you won’t find an audience. If you want to educate and convert your readers, you need to know exactly who they are. This goes beyond just basic demographics. What are the problems they are trying to solve? Where do they hang out online? What are their goals? Careful research into your audience will make every aspect of a campaign easier.
3. Repurpose Old Content
This might seem like bad advice. But actually, adapting and repurposing your content for different delivery methods can be very successful. It provides your audience with more than one way to absorb the information. Some may prefer reading blogs, and want to learn that way. Others are more visual, and would prefer a video that explains a concept. Some members of your audience might only have time to hear from you via a podcast they listen to during their commute.
If you keep creating pieces that fit the exact same format, you might be disappointed by a lack of engagement. Try experimenting with new formats using old content and see what happens. Instead of risking the confidence in your brand, you’re merely providing more opportunities for your content to reach new people.
4. Promote & Distribute
If an article gets published, but no one ever sees it, does it really exist? If you don’t put in the time to get your content in front of your audience, it doesn’t matter how well-researched it is.
Work on a content distribution strategy to help find your audience. Make a plan for how, when and where you’ll promote your latest blogs and videos. Social media is a great first step, but think outside the box to find other homes.
In this new world of business, content is one of the best way to find new customers. If you don’t commit to it now, we can guarantee your competitors already have. How are you planning to upgrade your content strategy for the rest of the year? Let us know in the comments!