It might seem like social media has replaced email as the most effective marketing strategy in the digital age. But this is not true! Email is still extremely influential in driving sales and keeping customers engaged. And when paired with social media, you get even more bang for your buck.
1. Drives Traffic
When you add a new post or video to your social media pages, it’s important that it gets a lot of views or engagement soon after its posted.
In your email newsletter, always promote your most recent social media content if it’s something worth clicking on. Add a link to the Facebook video or Instagram post, and ask your readers to like, comment, or share. You may have some customers on your email list who don’t know that you have social media pages, or the ones that do, might not have seen this recent content.
2. Omni-Channel Marketing
If a customer is new to your company or brand, most likely its going to take a LOT of views of your ad and website before they decide to make a purchase or contact you. By utilizing both email marketing and social media, you increase the number of times – and different ways – a customer can engage with you.
Always take any opportunity you can to take your audience from one marketing channel, and direct them to another.
3. Use Targeted Email Lists for Social Ads
Did you know you can upload a list of emails and contact information to Facebook, then direct ads toward that audience? And once you upload that list, you can create a “Lookalike” audience, which analyzes those contacts and will automatically create an audience of people who have similar demographics, interests, etc. You can then advertise to this new highly targeted group of prospects.
If you have email lists for potential customers who were interested in particular types of products or services, you can then serve them ads for that exact item.
4. Create Contests that Build off Social Media & Email
Running contests can be an excellent way to grow your audience. Start by setting up a form on your site that asks those entering the contest to provide their email address. Then, encourage submitters to share the post on social media! You can ask them to comment with the name of a friend who they think should enter, or ask them to tag someone as part of their entry.
At the end of the contest, you end up both with a larger social media following and a bigger email list!
Make sure the contest is giving away something that actually has to do with your business. Giving away a random iPad will attract a lot of people who have no interest in your business, which doesn’t do you much good in the long run.
5. Use Social to Grow Your Email List
Every few months, if you’ve seen follower growth on your social channels, post information about your email newsletter, encouraging followers to sign up! This way, you can keep them in the loop on all your updates.
Do you use both email and social media? They both should play a role in your marketing strategy.