Writing posts for your social media pages takes a slightly different strategy than writing a blog or other content. You need to catch the eye of the person scrolling through their feed, and compel them to take some kind of action, whether that’s liking, commenting, watching a video, or clicking on your link.
Social media posts need to be persuasive- but how do you do that? Try these 6 tips to create social media content that’s engaging and effective.
Keep it simple
Social media is not the time to show off your SAT-level vocab. Use simple, to-the-point language that anyone can understand, without relying on jargon and cliches that don’t actually say anything. This will force you to be super clear with what you’re communicating, so someone quickly scanning your post can read it and move on. Create messages that are important and clear – your customers will appreciate it.
Know who you’re writing to
Think of social media posts as being directed to a specific person. It will help you with the previous tip, and help to engage your community. When you have a picture in your mind of the exact person you’re speaking to, it’s easier to know what to say and how to say it. Remember their point of view and you’ll create posts that appeal to their needs and wants.
Each post needs a purpose
Posting for posting’s sake isn’t going to do anyone any good. What action do you want the reader to take? Every post needs to have a goal in mind, whether that’s clicking on a link, or just cultivating a certain feeling in your audience. At the end of the day, you want to make a sale from your social media posts – so make sure you’re selling something.
Be quick and intriguing
Most likely, your followers don’t want to have to stop and read a long paragraph while they’re scrolling through social media. Keep it brief and to the point – while still catching their attention.
Try using questions or calls for conversation in the comments. Users want to engage on social media – that’s the whole point! So give them the opportunity to do so, instead of just continually blasting tone-deaf sales calls.
Focus and get it done
Social media posts are meant to be quick and fun. Don’t accidentally spend an entire hour writing a two-sentence post. Set a timer for 15 minutes and make it happen. Brainstorm, write, edit, find an image, and schedule. That’s it. If you overthink it, you risk seeming disingenuous to your readers. And remember- you can always edit or delete the post later should you make a mistake.
Use visuals
While there is certainly a case for test-only posts on certain platforms (Twitter and LinkedIn especially), for the most part, you want to include a visual aspect to your post. A picture, video, meme, or even just clever uses of emojis can catch the audience’s eye and enhance the words you’ve written.
When it comes to writing for social media, don’t over think it. Keep it simple, remember what you’re communicating, and appeal to the real people scrolling their feed. At the end of the day, act like a person – not a business.