Is your SEO working?
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]How do you know your seo agency is doing their job? Or what about your personal seo strategy that you devised after countless hours of research? These are common questions with simple...
5 Messages You Can Send Right Now to Engage Current Customers
Did you now that 65 percent of a company’s business comes from existing customers? So instead of putting all your effort into finding new leads and new customers, you might be better served spending more time on your current customers. These stats might force you to...
Building Your Agency: Types of SEO Clients
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The first thing you need to do is know your process, have a great team, and ensure your product is viable. Once you are sure of this, you are now ready to start building your agency. Ensure you have a website, do not seek perfection...
Progressive Web Apps & SEO
Over the past few years, I have stressed the importance of speed, UX & technical aspects and how it impacts SEO. PWA is something I am now stressing, some of the reasons are due to the upcoming 5G ecosphere, improved loading options and more discerning web users....
Best Podcasts for Small Business Owners
Have you gotten on the podcast train? Podcasts have become one of the fastest growing media platforms in recent years, and its easy to see why. You can turn any extra time - while commuting, while cleaning, or while exercising - into a chance to learn something new....
It’s Friday, Enjoy the Weekend!
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]For all those 8-to-5ers, office workers, Monday through Friday grinder workers - don't forget to take care of yourself! Self care should be more important that work - yes, yes I know that is easy to say and nearly impossible to...
Why You Should Be Adding Evergreen Content To Your Site
Evergreen content is a blog, video, or white paper that is relevant anytime - regardless of season. Like an evergreen tree stays verdant all year round, so does this content. For example, an article about Thanksgiving would not be evergreen, as it would only be...
How to Write for Social Media
Writing posts for your social media pages takes a slightly different strategy than writing a blog or other content. You need to catch the eye of the person scrolling through their feed, and compel them to take some kind of action, whether that's liking, commenting,...
The Latest Updates from Google My Business
Google My Business (GMB) is one of the most valuable FREE tools currently available to small business owners across industries. By optimizing your profile page, you can make it easier for searchers to get the information they need about your business, including...